Glide Revitalization Donors and Supporters

Partnering for Sustainable Growth

At Glide Revitalization, we believe in the power of collective action to create positive change. The generosity of foundations, sponsors, and individuals like you has fueled economic growth, education, and reforestation efforts in Glide.

Thank you for your ongoing support to build a stronger, more vibrant Glide community!

Recognizing Those Who Helped Us Rebuild

In our journey to rebuild and recover from the Archie Creek Fire, we leaned heavily on the generous support of our partners and donors. Their unwavering commitment and contributions were instrumental in helping us navigate the challenges brought by the fire.

From providing essential resources like food and shelter to funding critical infrastructure repairs and reconstruction efforts, their contributions have been invaluable. We are immensely grateful for their compassion and generosity as we worked to uplift and rebuild our community.

How Your Support Impacts Growth in Glide

As we continue our journey towards building a stronger, more vibrant community, we’ve identified four key areas of service where funding is crucial to our success. Gifts received have already been put to work across these four initiatives for incredible results.

Disaster Relief & Preparedness

Facing a wildfire has taught us the importance of being prepared for disaster. Grants and donations toward disaster relief and preparedness have allowed us to support rebuilding efforts, educate our community on fire mitigation, and take action to prevent future fire damage. This support has enabled us to:

  • host classes and workshops to educate residents on how to better prepare for wildfire.
  • purchase equipment and prioritize wildfire risk reduction projects like hazardous tree removal and creating defensible space around homes and properties.
  • construct sheds, pump houses, decks, ramps, and full homes with the assistance of state and federal programs and our partnerships with Habitat for Humanity.

We’ve partnered with Oregon State Fire Marshall, Oregon Department of Forest, Oregon Conservation Corp, and Glide Fire Department to provide a defensible space program at no cost to the homeowner. This is an essential step in fire mitigation and the impact of future fires.

Economic Growth & Development

We believe economic growth means boosting businesses and residents to create a thriving community. Through grants and sponsorships we’ve been able to:

  • hire and purchase from local businesses for events like the Sasquatch Festival to further support the community’s economic growth.
  • establish childcare within Glide to support working parents, especially those who commute to Roseburg and other towns.
  • provide grants to four local businesses to help with recovery after the Archie Creek fire.

Glide Revitalization is working to lift all of our community members up. In addition to large-scale growth initiatives, we also donate backpacks filled with school supplies and holiday hams to those in need through our partnerships with Sustainable Northwest, Arbor Day Foundation, RCPP, and the North Umpqua Holiday Food Program.

Childcare & Education

Early childhood education and youth development are vital to the sustainability of Glide so a portion of our funding directly benefits the youth in our community. Grants and donations have allowed us to:

  • remodel classrooms to make them safe and accessible.
  • purchase supplies and hire qualified teachers and staff to support our children.
  • establish scholarships for Glide High School students to further their education.

Funding from organizations and corporations like UCAN and Douglas Timber will allow for the addition of a playground at our new building and encourage early introduction to STEM education as well as encouraging children to interact with the world around them.

Reforestation & Recreation

Through funding from state and federal grants, private foundations, and event sponsors we have been able to:

  • purchase and plant over 400,000 seedlings to prevent erosion and restore our natural forests.
  • repurpose 157 cords of fire-burned wood to be provided to community members as firewood through our partnership with Glide Helping Hands
  • focus on reforestation efforts that support lakes, streams, and fish populations which drive visitors to the Glide area every year. 

Focusing on reforestation efforts and caring for new seedlings will enhance the natural beauty of our region and support our economy with tourism and recreational activities.

Support the Growth & Vitality of Glide With a Monetary or In-Kind Donation

Your contribution helps fund crucial programs like disaster relief, education, economic development, and reforestation efforts. Whether you donate money or provide in-kind support through goods or services, you’ll forever be a part of Glide’s growth and success.

We pride ourselves on transparency, accountability, and being fiscally responsible with all the support we receive from grants and donations. Without these gifts, our efforts to revitalize our community would not be possible.